Sabemos que, em inglês, de modo geral, não existe gênero quando falamos de profissões. Porém, existia algumas exceções. Look:
Fireman (firewoman) bombeiro
Mailman (mailwoman) carteiro
Tínhamos, também, o seguinte:
Steward (stewardess) comissário de vôo
Hoje em dia, não existe mais esta separação entre homem e mulher. Look:
* Firefighter
* Mail carrier
* Flight attendant
Se você achou este conteúdo interessante, divulgue esta página para seus familiares e amigos e poste um comentário com outras profissões em inglês onde não exista gênero. Obrigado.
* A forma contraída é usada exclusivamente para a forma falada; em textos oficiais tipo redação e concursos não é permitida, mesmo nos USA, Inglaterra, etc.
Yesterday Kate and Will ..................... an argument. (have)
To begin with, they ........................... at each other in the street. (scream)
They ................... the house and she ............. the door angrily. (leave, shut)
He ................... his car and ................. off. (get in, drive)
On the way to work, he ................ a picture of a cow and ................. it to her. (took) (send)
She ................ angry when she ................. it. She ................ him the picture of a word on a newspaper. She .................. him he was a « loser ». (be) (see) (send) (tell)
After that, he ........................... « witch » and ............... an ugly picture. (google) (choose)
She ..................... the bus and .............. the picture of the witch.
When she ........................ the bus she .................. a monkey in a shop window and ................................. it. (get on) (see) (get off) (find) (photograph)
He ........................... to her song in the elevator and it ................ he was « a fool ». (listen) (say)
While he was at work, Will ........................ about the fight and .................... to regret his attitude. He ............... sad so he ................. SORRY on his desk with his pens and stuff. (think) (begin) (feel) (write)
It .................. her smile and then she ................. a heart on a window. She .................... him. (make) (draw) (forgive)
He ................ the office building as soon as he .......................... the picture and ............... back home. She ................ towards him when she .............. him and finally they ................. in each other's arms and they .................... each other. (leave) (receive) (go) (run) (see) (fall) (hug)